Friday, October 4, 2019

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

The ascending price of living in Austin:
1.Dylan Ebs wrote the story.
2.The story is about how the city of Austin is changing and becoming more modern as property taxes rise and land becomes more expensive.
3.Dylan thinks that this change is bad for Austin. In the last paragraph he says, “If the things that makes Austin unique leave, an essential component of the city will be left in the dark.”
4.He addressed that Austin is becoming more tech and corporate America. That could be a way that he addressed what the other side might think about the topic.
5.Dylan was not wishy-washy with his opinion. That is because he never once said that this change might be good. He only talked about the negative effects.
6.There are no quotes in the story.
7.They wrote in the first person point of view.
Load up, lock up, and own up to state gun control laws.
1. Lauren Joy wrote this story.
2.The story is about gun control, and whether or not there should be stricter laws.
3.Their opinion on the topic is neutral. That is because she says, “Because someone who stands in the middle ground, not fully being pro or anti gun, I feel that some people would never give up their right to own a gun.”
4.Because her opinion is neutral, she addressed both sides of the argument.
5. She was wishy-washy with her opinion. That is because her opinion is neutral, so her opinion kind of has to be wishy-washy.
6.There are no quotes in the story.
7.She wrote in the first person point of view.
Construction’s impact on the environment
1.  Editors wrote this story.
2.This story is about how construction affects the ecosystem around it and how we can help benefit our ecosystem.
3. The writer had a neutral opinion on the topic. Proof is when it says, “Although there are faults in the construction process to improve out campus, there are some positive outcomes that have stemmed from it.” 
4. Because the writer had a neutral opinion, both sides of the topic were presented.
5. The writer was a little wishy-washy with their opinion. That is because they stated both advantages and disadvantages of construction on its surrounding ecosystem.
6. There are two indirect quotes.
7. The writer wrote in the first person point of view.
VSCO girls and the effects of stereotypes on teenagers:
1.Maya Amador wrote this story.
2.This story is mainly about VSCO girls, and other stereotypes, and how bullying affects people classified as one.
3.Maya’s opinion on the topic is that bullying people, like VSCO girls, can cause severe problems but that the self discovery is super important. Proof is when it says, “One of the most important parts of growing up is about self discovery.”
4. Maya did adrees what the other side of the topic might think. She does then when she talks about how other people see VSCO girls, E-boys, or E-girls.
5. Maya was not wishy-washy with her opinion. That is because she kept on saying that self discovery is key and how trends can start new sensations, like the Beatles.
6.There are no quotes in the story.
7.Maya wrote in the first person point of view.

Final Questions

A. I think that the major differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece is that opinion pieces are supposed to be about the writer’s opinion while a hard news story is supposed to mainly be all fact. Another difference is that a hard news story has a lot of quotes, while opinion piece have little to no quotes. Another big difference is that a hard news story usually follows the LTQT style writing while an opinion piece does not.
B. I think that there aren’t very many photos on this page in order to not mislead the reader, that way the reader can form their own opinion based on the reading.
C. I think that sports, new trends, and school policies are three topics that would be good to write opinion pieces on.

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