Thursday, November 7, 2019

Commentary Brainstorm

1.Happiness- Completing all of my homework and getting to bed early
   Anger- Losing the football game to Westlake
   Sadness- someone I knew passed away
2.Getting a 100 on the Biology quiz, making a good play in football, winning in Fantasy football.
3. School work, being healthy, having everything organized.
4. Wasting time, having a lot of homework, losing a sports game.
5. Food, Sports, Home.
6. Keeping everybody safe, on topic, and getting work done.
7. Everybody passes their class, have nothing to grade, knowing that people like their class.
8. How many of my friends are at school, the sports at Bowie, the freedom that you get in high school.
9. How much we rely on technology to get stuff done, how long lunch is, and how much time I find myself wasting in school.
10. This isn't really a trend, but it is something that I have noticed. A lot of students don't stay on top of their work. For example, some students will show up to class and have none of their homework done.

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