Thursday, November 14, 2019

Feature Writing Preview

Feature Writing Preview

1. The difference between a hard news lead and the one I read above is that a hard news lead is suppose to really hook the reader, while the one I read above was only two words long and was suppose to make the reader wonder and want to find out what that voice sounds like.

2. I learned the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the story in the second paragraph of the story.

3. Yes, there are quotes in the story.

4.The quotes were not arranged in the quote-transition style that we used in news writing.

5. Ted Williams, people who know Ted, and companies that were trying to get a hold of Ted were the people that were quoted in the story.

6. In my opinion, the first quote (paragraph 6) is the most powerful in the story. That is because I feel like it really hooked the reader onto the story, and made them want to hear Ted Williams' voice even more.

7.The story is 33 paragraphs long.

8. The story is 765 words long.

9. It being so short and to the point is the significance of the lead and final paragraphs of the story. Its also significant because it is pretty much the same thing.

10. I think that the writer did that with the lead and the final paragraph in order to make the reader want to find out what that voice means and what it sounds like.

11. I think that the story was really interesting to read. That is because the entire time, I was trying to picture what the voice sounded like.

12. After I read the story, but before I watched the video, I really wanted to hear the voice. That is because the writer did a really good job of building it up with the quotes that he used and all of the description.

13. Satisfaction and amazement was the impact that the video had on me after I watched it right after reading the story.

14. I think that the story would of lost the impact without the video. That is because with the video, the voice is kind of memorable, while as if you hadn't watched the video, then you would of probably have forgotten about it. 

15. The writer did try to come up with a way for you to hear the voice without really hearing it. 

16. The writer did this when he included the quotes of Ted Williams talking in the voice. I don't think that the writer wanted to give away too much of what the voice sounded like though, because one of the points of the story is to try and get the reader to go and watch the video.

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