Thursday, September 19, 2019

Current Events Quiz #1.2

1. 13 members.
2. Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo.
3.11 years.
4. 10.46 yards per play.
5. 25 JuiceLands.

Long Response:
I have not noticed an increase in the appearance of potentially homeless people. However, I have never really gone out of my way to keep track. I believe that the new ordinance is not the correct approach to the homeless problem in Austin. That is because banning homeless camps throughout parts of the city will not fix the overall homeless problem that we have in Austin. I think to answer the homeless problem in Austin, we need to update the homeless camps that are already made. I thought of this idea, because in a TED talk I watched a while back for social studies, the speaker said that in order to fix overcrowding and homeless problems, we must supply the homeless with the basic necessities to live. For Example, a bathroom, running water, and some sort of shelter. The city can best serve both the homeless population and the rest of the constituents by finding a solution where both the constituents are happy and the homeless population while still making Austin a very clean city. That is because the only way to fix this problem is to make sure both sides like the solution.

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